33 Low Maintenance Plants Producing Spectacular Results

Although a yard full of plants looks beautiful, not everyone enjoys maintaining them. Preserving a meticulous yard and garden is too much to handle when jobs, kids, household chores, and daily life take up most of our time. It’s just not feasible to find the time to care for the landscape in the garden.

However, the good news is that it doesn’t mean you have to give up flowers or a lovely yard. There are some plants and shrubs to upgrade your new growing season to a great start. You may have a beautiful house without spending all of your valuable time maintaining them thanks to its low-maintenance characteristics. Once they are established, you won’t need to bother about planting fresh flowers the next year.

The top 19 choices on our list are available for those who prefer to plant and almost completely forget about them. They’re fuss-free, low-maintenance plants that look fantastic in a container or garden.

#1. Viburnum

Source: The Spruce

Characteristics: It suits all soil types, in the sun or shade. It’s strong, adaptable, and simple to cultivate. Although they can withstand short bursts of drought, plants will eventually need some water. Viburnum species come in evergreen variants.

#2. Camellia

Source: Garden Design

Characteristics: This perennial is easy to grow, lustrous evergreen. It’s perfect for use in containers. Its magnificent blooms, which are available in white, pink, and red, bloom early in the season from fall until April. Some species have a lifespan of up to 100 years.

#3. Hosta

Source: Proven Winners

Characteristics: They’re one of the nicest foliage plants. They have a lengthy lifespan and are simple to cultivate. Hostas come in a vast variety of different leaf shapes, sizes, and colors. Hostas are hardy perennials that seldom ever need special care and are ideal for gardens that don’t receive a lot of sunlight.

#4. Lilac

Source: The Spruce

Characteristics: Lilac cultivation is simpler than you may imagine. Grow them in full sun, neutral to alkaline soil that is wet yet well drained. After flowering, prune to keep plants from growing too long. Every spring, lilacs reward you with sweetly fragrant blossoms.

#5. Coleus

Source: The Spruce

Characteristics: One of the easiest plants to grow and propagate is Coleus. The plants root so easily that cuttings may even be started in a glass of water. A few weeks before your final anticipated spring frost, you may also start them from seed indoors.

#6. Peonies

Source: Gardeners World

Characteristics: Peonies are simple plants to cultivate. Plant your peony in soil that drains properly because they require a lot of water as long as it doesn’t become soggy at any time of the year.  Peonies are easy to grow, low maintenance, extremely hardy and offer decades of charm, with some producing blooms for 100 years.

#7. Ajuga

Source: Outside Pride

Characteristics: Ajugas are very adaptable and may be grown in any type of soil. They like a wet environment with good drainage, but they can also endure brief droughts. Ajugas are ground-covering plants with blue to purple blooms and leaves that can be green, purple, bronze, or black.

#8. Euphorbia

Source: Depositphotos

Characteristics: Euphorbias are simple to maintain and have a year-round exotic and stunning appearance. They are an excellent addition to a mixed planting strategy since they give it shape and texture. They go well with vibrant shrubs and perennials.

#9. Lantana

Source: Dr. Giuseppe Mazza

Characteristics: A lovely and simple to cultivate garden plant is lantana. It is hardy, tolerant of dryness, has lengthy blooms, and draws butterflies. Its gorgeous flower clusters come in a range of colors, occasionally blending many colors.

#10. Persian Shield


Characteristics: Stem cuttings may be used to start planting them extremely quickly. This method is common to many delicate perennials. They grow best in the spring and early summer. For the Persian shield plant to thrive, warmth and humidity are essential.

#11. Coreopsis

Source: The Spruce

Characteristics: These plants do well in loamy or sandy soil that drains well and has a quite neutral pH. However, the majority of Coreopsis cultivars are fairly simple to cultivate and don’t care much about the pH or quality of the soil as long as it isn’t soggy.

#12. Agave

Source: Quora

Characteristics: If you plant the appropriate type in the proper place, growing agave is simple. Agaves require direct sunlight and loose, percolating soil. They can even flourish when potted but use an unglazed clay pot to enable excess moisture to evaporate.

#13. Catmint

Source: Proven Winners

Characteristics: Catmint grows quickly and needs little maintenance once it is established. Flowers are produced over an extended period of time, but it’s a good idea to cut them down after blooming to keep the plant tidy and to stimulate the formation of more. Cut down the dead stems as soon as the growth in late fall dies back so that new growth may start in the spring.

#14. Butterfly Weed

Source: rbgcanada

Characteristics: Butterfly weed requires very little effort. The plant thrives in direct sunshine and poor, dry, sandy, or gravelly soil with a pH of either neutral or slightly acidic.

#15. Lamb’s Ear

Source: HGTV

Characteristics: They are exceptionally drought resistant, like many silvery plants. Lamb’s Ears are simple plants to cultivate and are ideal for rock gardens or a dry area of medium soil in a garden bed.

#16. Queen Anne’s Lace

Source: Farmer’s Almanac

Characteristics: Wildflower-like in nature, this lovely plant is easy to grow and proliferates rapidly, spreading its plentiful seeds freely through the breeze. Queen Anne’s Lace flowers also draw beneficial pollinators to the garden like bees and butterflies, making it a friendly companion plant in the backyard garden.

#17. Lavender

Source: The Pioneer Woman

Characteristics: Growing lavender is simple and fruitful. Both garden beds and containers may be used to cultivate lavender. Lavender needs full light and well-drained soil to thrive effectively. Lavender thrives as a perennial in dry locations, yet it’s frequently cultivated as an annual there.

#18. Snapdragon

Source: Truly Experiences

Characteristics: In order for your garden’s snapdragons to blossom joyfully, you just need to provide them with the most basic flower care. They also self-seed. Snapdragons may be grown in borders or pots in the majority of rich, well-drained soils in full sun.

#19. Cleome

Source: Nature & Garden

Characteristics: Once planted, cleome is relatively simple to cultivate, and direct seeding may be the best method. Once the plants are stably grown, any typical garden soil will work, including arid locations. If you wish to prevent Cleome from self-sowing, cut blossom heads before the seeds develop.

#20. Caladium

Source: Longfield Gardens

Characteristics: Caladiums are relatively simple to plant. With the eyes up, plant the bulb’s top 11/2 to 2 inches below the surface. Peat moss may be added to sandy soil to help it retain moisture. Keep the area wet all season long by applying mulch around the plants.

#21. Black-Eyed Susan

Source: Better Homes & Gardens

Characteristics: When it comes to simple growth and strong bloom power, they are just impossible to be defeated. Black-eyed Susans can make a wonderful addition to a pollinator garden. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and birds devour the plant’s seeds and nectar, especially goldfinches.

#22. Daylily

Source: The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Characteristics: The daylily is a very low-maintenance perennial that requires practically no upkeep. It is simple to grow, nearly completely free of diseases and pests, and resistant to drought, uneven sunshine, and bad soil. Additionally, there are a huge variety of stunning daylilies available.

#23. Yaupon Holly

Source: Nature and Garden

Characteristics: Yaupon is simple to grow because it is indigenous. The southeast region of the United States, notably from Virginia through Florida and west to Texas, is where it comes from. Yopon Holly should be planted in a sunny area. Even though it can withstand afternoon shadow, full light produces better fruit.

#24. Spiraea

Source: Mainaam Garden

Characteristics: Species of Spirea are some of the simplest blooming shrubs to cultivate. These lovely shrubs grow quickly and benefit from full light for the maximum blooms. However, they can withstand some shade. Some flowers bloom in the spring, while others do so in the summer.

#25. Clethra

Source: paul.a.nikolsky

Characteristics: Summersweet or sweet pepperbush, also known as Clethra, are quite simple to cultivate if they are planted properly and in a suitable location. They work particularly well massed or clustered in butterfly and hummingbird gardens, sunny or shaded flowering shrub borders, and other landscape designs.

#26. Sourwood

Source: the.unhurried.path

Characteristics: Since sourwood has a thick root structure, it is notorious for being challenging to transplant or relocate. Small plants cultivated in containers work best for their growth. It is advisable to plant sourwood trees in well-draining, somewhat acidic soil if you want them to thrive.

#27. Buckwheat

Source: Outside Pride

Characteristics: One of the least picky plants in terms of time and space requirements is buckwheat. In between your other garden plants throughout the warm months, you can sprout more seeds. The first frost kills buckwheat plants.

#28. Sweet Potatoes

Source: The Spruce

Characteristics: Surprisingly, sweet potatoes are simple to grow. A few plants may readily provide a sizable crop since the vines root anywhere they reach the soil.

#29. Blueberries

Source: The Spruce

Characteristics: Blueberry bushes are simple to cultivate and require little maintenance. The most important thing to keep in mind is that they require acidic soil and, ideally, precipitation for irrigation. Blueberries thrive in pots if your garden doesn’t have acidic soil.

#30. Amaranth

Source: Morning Chores

Characteristics: Amaranth is very easy to grow. They prefer a warm climate, full sun, and well-drained soil. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week.

#31. Chickpeas

Source: Masterclass

Characteristics: Chickpeas are resistant to many pests and diseases and can withstand drought. Given that it is a legume that fixes nitrogen in the soil, making it more productive, this crop is regarded as being simple to cultivate.

#32. Beets

Source: Just Beet It

Characteristics: Beets, sometimes known as “beetroots,” are a vibrant, cool-season crop that develops swiftly in full sunlight and is simple to raise from seed in rich soil. Because they can withstand frost and temperatures that are quite close to freezing, they are a fantastic option for northern gardeners. They are thus excellent fall crops.

#33. Flax

Source: Gardenista

Characteristics: Given its various uses, it may come as a surprise to learn that flax is a hardy small plant that is also one of the easiest garden plants to plant. When the fertile soil is workable, you will spread your seeds outside since flax prefers full light and cool temperatures.

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